Our Philanthropy

The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation is dedicated to creating and maintaining educational programs for victims of domestic violence on a national and community-based level, as well as the women of ​Alpha Chi Omega.

Our chapter also has the privilege of working on a local level with the Waco Family Abuse Center, a center for women and children that serves victims of domestic violence in central Texas. We are very passionate about our philanthropy and invite you to learn more below about the annual events we organize to raise money and awareness for domestic violence.


February is Teen Dating Violence awareness month and October is Domestic Violence awareness month. We take these times to provide educational opportunities to students across Baylor’s campus. We host booths, pass out ribbons and pins, and raise money for our local center for victims of domestic violence.


Every fall, Alpha Chi Omega puts on an event called Block Party for every student at Baylor. We have food trucks, live music, games, cotton candy, and more. As an all-university event, we have the opportunity to raise awareness across our college campus in such a fun way all while raising money for our philanthropy, domestic violence awareness!


Honored annually on a Wednesday in April, millions across the globe wear denim to stand in solidarity against sexual violence, raising awareness to further educate themselves and others.